Get Help
If you run into issues or need help with Gramps Web, please pick one of the following options.
Forum Backend issues Frontend issues
See below for some guidance on where to head first.
Asking questions¶
The official Gramps Discourse forum has a separate category for Gramps Web. Please use it to ask any questions you may have about Gramps Web, for instance
- Questions on the usage of Gramps Web
- Questions on the configuration of Gramps Web
- Troubleshooting a deployment of Gramps Web
- Ideas about improvements to Gramps Web
- ...
Reporting issues¶
If you encounter a problem that you believe is a bug in Gramps Web, please support it via Github.
There are two separate Github repositories for the code used in Gramps Web, one for the user interface (“frontend”) and one for the server code (“backend”):
If you are unsure where to file an issue, don't worry and just choose either of the two – the maintainers will be able to transfer the issue if necessary.
In either case, please always include the following information in your report:
- Details about your setup (e.g. a docker-compose file with sensitive values redacted, or whether your are using a hosted version, such as Grampshub, or a pre-configured image, such as DigitalOcean)
- Version information. To obtain it, go to the "System information" tab on the Settings page in Gramps Web and copy/paste the values in the box, which should look something like this:
Gramps 5.1.6
Gramps Web API 1.5.1
Gramps.js 24.1.0
locale: en
multi-tree: false
task queue: true
Suggesting enhancements¶
For general ideas and discussion about future improvements, feel free to open a discussion in the forum. You may also want to check the issue pages (see links above) whether a particular feature is already planned or being worked on.
For specific enhancements with a limited scope, feel free to directly open an issue with a feature request in the appropriate frontend or backend Github repository.